Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Baby Taylor to make early entrance!

I found out today that I am having our third little one THIS Thursday! I am nearly 37 weeks along, so he is going to be a bit early. My amniotic fluid level was only at 1 last Friday, so they immediately admitted us for an IV overnight. My fluid level went up to 6 by the next AM, and 8 by yesterday. This was good news, but Dr. Schmidt still wants to do this thing on Thursday. Oh yeah-did I mention he is breech? So she will try to turn him so I can avoid a c-section. All this to say...please pray for a safe entrance for Baby Taylor. We will keep you posted through Matt's blog ~ www.thecrossingsblog.cc!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pokemon and the Bible???

This AM, as Bethany, her friend Jake, and I rode to school, he informed us that if he did well at school today, his dad would buy him some Pokemon cards. I asked him what he did with those and he said that he traded them with his friends. I told him I didn't get it. So, I asked Bethany what she and her dad read about this AM, and she said Daniel. Jake wanted to know who Daniel is, so Bethany explained the story to him. She went on about how our virtue of the month is courage. Jake said, "What's courage? Like when you need to tell somebody what to do?" Bethany told him-I helped this time-that it's our virtue of the month at church-Being brave enough to do what you should even when you're afraid. He said, "See, Bethany doesn't understand my Pokemon cards, just like I don't understand the Bible." Then I just sat back and beamed as Bethany explained the story of Daniel and how he trusted God-what a sweet drive to school!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Little Piddles

I love to surf blogs! I have recently found a cute one-Little Piddles. The blogger has aPiddles sweet online store of precious clothing and accessories for the little ones in our lives. Go take a look and enjoy all the eye candy!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

So thankful God still does miracles!

I woke up this AM with such a grateful heart! Although it was much longer and much more complicated than expected, Jackie's surgery was a success. In Dr. Fraser's words, "her heart is happy". How precious is that?!? She still has a long recovery ahead of her, so please, continue to pray. Her parents are still updating her Care Page, so keep checking in. Thanks for standing in the gap for the Smiths!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Baby Jackie's Care Page

Here is a link to Baby Jacqueline's care page. It is an easy way to stay updated on her progress and know how to pray for The Smiths.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Update on Baby Jackie

I talked to Jackie's mom, Amy, yesterday morning. It has been a stressful weekend, to say the least. Jackie is being monitered for sleep apnea-she can "forget" to breathe. But, it seems like the main concern right now is Jackie's IVs. They are having trouble keeping them in, and one of them is particularly important. It supplies medicine that keeps the hole(s) in Jackie's heart open until surgery. Speaking of-the surgery has now been moved to Wednesday. Please keep praying, and I will keep this site updated!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Please Pray for baby Jackie Smith

Sweet Jacqueline Smith was born 6 days ago(at 35 weeks), to our friends Matt and Amy Smith. Yesterday, the Memorial Hermann NICU was routinely testing Jackie to make sure she was ready to go home, and she failed the test twice. We are all so thankful for this, as they ran further tests and found that she has Transpositioning of the Great Arteries. She is a miracle, as God put at least one hole in her heart, where the blood has been mixing well and keeping her stable all week. God is so good! They transported her to Texas Children's Hospital yesterday evening. The Doctors at Texas Children's will be doing Jackie's surgery early next week, possibly even Monday. Matt and Amy were given a "hotel" room through the Ronald McDonald House that is basically down the hall from the NICU. Another huge blessing!

Please pray that Jackie remains stable all weekend, and is strong for her upcoming surgery. Please pray for the Doctors and nurses at Texas Children's, for wisdom, and skilled hands. Please pray for the Smith family as a whole, including their other daughters Mady, Katy, and Evie, as they spend some time apart, and learn how to deal with all of this new information. Pray thankfully that Amy's mom has been here all week, and that Matt's parents should be arriving today. Pray for God to show his glory through all of this. Thanks so much!

I will pass on any comments, prayers, and/or encouragement you leave here to the Smiths!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Parenting in the Land of Plenty

I love my precious husband. I am more thankful and proud to be Matt's wife every day-I really mean that. He is an awesome husband, daddy, pastor, and writer. I wanted to give you a little window into his writings. He is writing some articles and posting them on our church website, as well as a blog. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

cheese, cookies, juice, and the park...

When I picked up Bethany from school today, I had brought some cheese, a sugar cookie-which today became her fav-and some OJ. I told her if she could get her homework done, then we could go to the park behind our house. She then blurts out, "Mom I think I love you even more now!" I say "Why?" She says, "Well, I already loved you from all the universe, but now I love you more than that!" I told you we love the park. And cheese and cookies and juice too.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

We love the park!

When August comes around, somebody please remind me of the beautiful weather that we had Monday and Tuesday. I love when Matt calls while I am in the carpool line at school and says he wants to take Bethany to the park before homework time. So precious! This time the weather was too nice for Avery and I to stay behind. We have a great park within walking distance from our home-a blessing. It is called Central Park, it's in Seven Meadows, and is great for big and little kids. Meet us there on those special Texas winter days!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine’s Day to us!

So, it's official. We have the sweetest child in the world. Ok, who really knows, but I'm telling you, the chances are high! Here is a letter she wrote to Matt and me after she finished her homework this past Monday. I knew she was up to something when every time I walked past her bedroom door she yelled, "Don't come in here yet, mommy!" Usually that scares me, but that day it produced a sweet, beautiful memory!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Corrie and Adam love each other...

Yesterday AM, as I was getting dressed for church in the bedroom, I could hear Bethany and Avery chatting in the living room. My laptop was open on the ottoman, and the slide show screen saver was playing some pictures that Bethany took at our friends wedding in December. Bethany was telling Avery about Adam and Corrie and about their pretty wedding (Avery didn't get to go) and how much fun we had. Then I heard Bethany say, "Avery, can you say Corrie and Adam love each other?" So sweet! We had tried to explain what was happening at that wedding, and you never know what they pick up for sure-but it sounds like she got the main idea! These are some of Bethany's pictures from that beautiful Hull wedding...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

What is going on?

How in the world do I have a child old enough to be in her room, at her desk, working on signing Valentine's Day Cards? It is so cliche, but all 3 of my kids are growing up so fast. Bethany is singing (pretty well :) ) the High School Musical songs, Avery is telling me what she likes and doesn't like and when she's hungry, and Taylor -although he is still in the womb - is obviously growing very quickly (if you know what I mean). Am I not still a teenager? I guess not. I am 31, and holding on to these sweet, precious days. I love my life-God is so good! I am so blessed! By the way, I had to borrow Bethany's camera to get this picture...