So, it's official. We have the sweetest child in the world. Ok, who really knows, but I'm telling you, the chances are high! Here is a letter she wrote to Matt and me after she finished her homework this past Monday. I knew she was up to something when every time I walked past her bedroom door she yelled, "Don't come in here yet, mommy!" Usually that scares me, but that day it produced a sweet, beautiful memory!
i think you should frame a note like that! plus it's a sweet reminder of the precious daughter God blessed you with.
What a nice surprise to see a comment from the Powell family! I asked Jason the other day if he had seen you and he said it was before Christmas. I sent him the link to your blog. He makes fun of me all the time for having a blog.
Roy and I are doing great. His dept at work has doubled. He is teaching Bible Study on Sunday nights. I am still working with Jason. Lots of changes going on, but they are good ones.
Since we attend the evening service, we might come out that way and visit one Sunday. Your church website is awesome and I like the navigation of it.
Tell Lori Hi! So excited you have a son on the way.
It was fun looking at Kristin's blog too.
I have put you in my favorites, so I'll be reading.
Aside from the fact that Bethany's picture is adorable... I wanted to tell you that I LOVE the blog you found. It is exactly my style. You know me oh so well. See you soon for biscuits!
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