Sweet Jacqueline Smith was born 6 days ago(at 35 weeks), to our friends Matt and Amy Smith. Yesterday, the Memorial Hermann NICU was routinely testing Jackie to make sure she was ready to go home, and she failed the test twice. We are all so thankful for this, as they ran further tests and found that she has Transpositioning of the Great Arteries. She is a miracle, as God put at least one hole in her heart, where the blood has been mixing well and keeping her stable all week. God is so good! They transported her to Texas Children's Hospital yesterday evening. The Doctors at Texas Children's will be doing Jackie's surgery early next week, possibly even Monday. Matt and Amy were given a "hotel" room through the Ronald McDonald House that is basically down the hall from the NICU. Another huge blessing!
Please pray that Jackie remains stable all weekend, and is strong for her upcoming surgery. Please pray for the Doctors and nurses at Texas Children's, for wisdom, and skilled hands. Please pray for the Smith family as a whole, including their other daughters Mady, Katy, and Evie, as they spend some time apart, and learn how to deal with all of this new information. Pray thankfully that Amy's mom has been here all week, and that Matt's parents should be arriving today. Pray for God to show his glory through all of this. Thanks so much!
I will pass on any comments, prayers, and/or encouragement you leave here to the Smiths!