I decided I'd better hurry up and update you on the pup. he is now 15 wks and 30 lbs. Well, he was 30 lbs Monday, so he's probably more than that! He is growing SO quickly. I knew he would, so I steal every snuggle I canget. He is extremely intelligent, and just today began whistle training with Matt. He'll be aseasoned retriever before we know it. He is also hysterical and has a funny little sense of humor. He is staying very laid back and fits in just perfectly around here.
Bethany took her very firstchoir trip to San Antonio on the 10th. She loved performing in the Katy ISD Honor Choir at the Texas Music Educators Association Convention. It's the largest of its kind in this country~hosting 25,000 music teachers that day alone. The all-state Choirs, Bands, and Orchestras all perform at this convention each year. It was fun for Matt and I, as we both reminisced about the years we attended this convention in college. I sure wished I could've stayed. Bethany rode the bus, while Mom drove the rest of us (including Shiner) pretty literally all day long. Dad, Sherry and Ron met us at the concert, and then we all headed to Mi Tierra for an early dinner. Thank goodness Bethany decided to ride home with us :). I am so thankful that myfamily loves my girl so well!
The next day, Bethany had her school Valentine's party. They had a craft, handed out Valentines, and then made theirown sundaes. Too fun!

That afternoon-thanks to mom again!-Matt and I headed out for our 1st Crossings Marriage Retreat. What a complete blessing. Chad Karger and his wife Meeka truly challenged us to really seek the Lord first. They had us spend A L O N E time searching the scriptures. Oh my word! We spent a glorious 24 hours at Pine Cove's Crier Creek with some of our closest friends. Bliss.

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