This is my sweet little Avery with our wreath. It's a gift from Mema, and I appreciate the smell of real evergreen . Our tree is artificial due to Matt's allergies :).
Matt surprised me with an amazing gift this past Saturday. Our 13th anniversary is on December 20th, so this present is my anniversary/Christmas gift. He even wrapped it himself! I was already impressed with the wrapping job enough to take a picture!

We are going back to Sedona, Arizona! This is where we honeymooned 13 years ago. It is amazing! Desert, mountains, snow, hiking, seclusion...perfect. My husband loves me well. A second honeymoon. I can. Not. Wait.
I will soon be taking a picture of us in front of Cathedral Rock. Sigh.

Here is our pretty, child-decorated tree, minus the top...because we have no topper. Any suggestions? What's on top of your Christmas tree?

Now that is a good man! What a lovely way to celebrate and reconnect with your honey. Love the Christmas tree. We put a star on top of ours.
Hey girl! Love the tree and the gift. We have a bow on the top of our tree, made out of ribbon we put around the tree too.
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