Wouldn't you know that I forgot to take my camera trick-or-treating this year. I did get one picture before we left home. The good news is that my brother Ron, or Uncle Bucky...depending what you call him..., brought his camera. That lives with him in Victoria. So, I will wait patiently for the bulk of the pictures :). Thanks SO much, Ron!
Before church, I took the kids to HEB to grab a quick pumpkin pic. It was like we had robbed the place when we took off in our getaway car. Sunday mornings are particularly busy when you attend a young church plant!
October 31st is a big day in our world. Yes, it's just Halloween to some...did you know it is also Reformation Day? This is HUGE~if you don't know why, then click here.
It is also my mom's birthday. How fun is that? My brother's bday is November 2nd, and my sis-in-law, Chelsea's bday is November 5. So, we celebrated all 3 on Sunday.
Here is my brother, mom, and my girls.
My MIL, Sue, and my mom enjoying a Caramel-m&m'd-chocolate drizzled apple